#40Forward, Day 7: Celebrity and Mompreneur

Celebrity and MompreneurKnown for her acting career, Jessica Alba never thought she'd launch her own company. However, motherhood changed her outlook. "When I became a mom, I finally became the person I am, that I always should have been," she says. "It's the most satisfying job in the world. But, it can also be overwhelming and confusing. I created The Honest Company to help moms and to give all children a better, safer start." Alba's drive to find safe, eco-friendly, effective products for her children led her to partner with former CEO of the non-profit Healthy Child Healthy World, Christopher Gavigan, to start the company for which they were searching. Over the course of three years, Alba researched products, studied the marketplace, and created a plan to bring her vision into reality. She relied on her family to provide critical feedback during this process, which Alba says was an important part of developing her plan. It took her a year to convince Gavigan to join her in creating her company. She had read his book and felt that his experience was key to achieving her vision. After bringing home several products only to find out that she had allergic reactions to them, or that they contained yet untested substances, Alba decided to create her own e-commerce company to sell the products that she sought. Moreover, after researching the market and existing options for non-toxic, sustainable, healthy baby products - toys, diaper supplies, food, health and wellness products and cleaning supplies - Jessica realized that the few existing products were only accessible to wealthy parents. She started honest.com because, “as a mom, I needed it, wanted it, and believed we could make the world a better place for my children and families everywhere,” she explains. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2012/08/27/exclusive-jessica-alba-on-becoming-an-entrepreneur/) Understanding that parents value ease as well as design and sustainability, Alba's business started with the most critical product – sustainable disposable diapers and wipes that work, are delivered through a subscription service (a hip version of the old diaper service). The Honest Company now offers bundles of other needed products, as well as partnerships with designers to craft appealing, fucntional products. Jessica's company does not only focus on the products – which are the centerpiece of the e-commerce site – but also on the workplace environment and customer service. At Honest, there is a “kids corner” where employees' children can play in a safe and monitored environment. This alleviates parents' worry about their kids so that they can focus on their jobs. Honest Company also has created 13 new products in response to customer requests and feedback. Her passion has paid off. In 2012 Alba was named Entrepreneur of the Year at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards. Giving back to the community is a high priority for Alba and her co-founder. Honest Company uses a portion of its proceeds to help children and families globally. Alba's top three pieces of advice for starting a business are: 1. Understand the marketplace for your business—it’s key. 2. Have realistic business expectations and come to terms with the fact that it may be too much of a lofty dream and tailor your business plan appropriately. 3. Stick to your guns—if someone can persuade you to depart from your idea, it’s a sign that the business might not be the right fit for you.

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