April is National Financial Literacy Month!

National Financial Literacy Month

Today's tip: Set a goal!   By setting a short-term personal goal (buying sports equipment, paying for a trip, affording a new computer), kids begin to understand the costs of desired items and the value of money. How much is that new computer? What does a baseball bat, baseball glove, shoes, uniform and hat cost? How much does it cost to take that trip this summer? By setting a goal and discovering the cost kids take the first step on the road to financial literacy! Lemonade Day teaches kids how to achieve their goals. Watch this space for tips, tid-bits and lessons that support financial literacy for your kid! We're on our way to training 1 million kids in business basics like financial literacy! Lemonade Day trains kids across the country in basic financial literacy - through planning, opening and running their own small business - the iconic lemonade stand. There are 33 days until National Lemonade Day! What financial literacy skill will you teach your kids today?

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