Best Educational Channels on YouTube


Launched in 2004 as an independent startup, YouTube was purchased by Google just two years later for more than $1 billion. While the service quickly became the home to spontaneous “viral” videos uploaded by users, other creators saw the potential for YouTube as a powerful educational tool. More than a decade later, YouTube hosts thousands of videos (millions if you include languages beyond english) that seek to teach everything from world history to automotive repair.


To help get you started on the wonderful world of YouTube education videos, here some select “channels” that host multiple videos, usually on concentrated subject areas.


Created by New Orleans native Salman Khan in 2006, Khan Academy is one of the world’s premier destination for free, easily accessible education. Topics tend to focus on STEM oriented subjects such as algebra, statistics, and physics. Especially close to our hearts at Lemonade Day are the 196 videos on basic finance available through the Khan Academy channel. Many of these videos are lead by Khan, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) major with undergraduate degrees in computer science, electrical engineering, AND mathematics. If that’s not impressive enough, he also holds Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. Oh, he also has an MBA from Harvard Business School. As far as free education is concerned, there is no better teacher available on the planet.


The “Engineering Explained” channel explains topics related to automotive technology. Ever wonder how an engine works? Want to know what a “limited slip differential” actually is? Would you like to better understand the lingo being used on “Top Gear”? If the answer to any of those questions was “Yes!” or even a slight shrug, you should check out “Engineering Explained”. A simple project created by 25-year old Jason Fenske, a North Carolina State University graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering, the channel is without pretense. There are no flashy opening graphics or music. Fenske records the videos and often employs a simple white board with often crudely drawn diagrams to illustrate his points. However, “Engineering Explained” is incredibly informative and easy to understand. After watching a few videos, you’ll want to start repairing your car by yourself.


Probably better known as an online resource similar to Wikipedia, Investopedia has also launched a YouTube channel that covers the basics of finance, economics, and business. The videos are broken down into easy to digest topics, such as “What are stocks?”. However, there are more advanced videos that cover everything from binary trading options to earnings per share (EPS). In an era where almost all information is available online for free, Investopedia is the common person’s MBA.

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