Lemonade Day and #40Foward: Training the Next Generation of Female Entrepreneurs

40 Forward

Julie Eberly, National Board Member--Over the past month we have read about a myriad of fantastic initiatives to increase the number of women entrepreneurs. The question might be asked, how will Google make their investment in #40Forward sustainable? Lemonade Day is the answer. A hands-on educational program, Lemonade Day is an entrepreneurship laboratory that teaches kids basic business and life skills through the experience of planning, opening, and running their own businesses – an iconic lemonade stand. Through this process, they set a goal, create a plan, and work their plan to achieve their dreams. Along the way, they learn to solve problems, address challenges and develop solutions to help them achieve their goal. As a living laboratory of starting and building a business, Lemonade Day provides girls at a young age with the invaluable experience of “doing it” upon which they can draw in the future. Experiencing the program's lessons gives each girl a personal model for the future. Need to create a budget? I did that in Lemonade Day. Need to figure out all of the costs to run a business – materials, product, delivery, and others? Lemonade Day taught me that. Need to let people know about something? I created an advertising and marketing plan for my lemonade stand on Lemonade Day. Through living their plan, girls build their all-important self-confidence while they practicing interpersonal and communication skills within the context of a defined program. Along the way, they develop new mindsets that can propel them to success that they might not have achieved otherwise. Lemonade Day is truly a transformative experience – one that can have a lasting impact on today's future female entrepreneurs. Lemonade Day is moving #40Forward by partnering with Girls Inc. to bring our experiential program to more than 136,000 girls participating in their programs across the country – the majority which are in low-income communities. Girls Inc.’s major programs include a focus on STEM and economic literacy, developing self-esteem and promoting good personal choices. By adding entrepreneurship skills to STEM education will allow girls to translate their ideas and innovations to marketable products and services, thus increasing their potential for realizing success. We also have been highlighting current and legendary women entrepreneurs – from colonial times through some of Lemonade Day's own graduates who have gone on to start their own businesses. We hope to inspire other girls to make their dreams come true. As a #40Forward partner, Lemonade Day seeks to build a sustainable model of increasing women's participation in entrepreneurship through training the next generation in skills that underlie and support entrepreneurship – one lemonade stand at a time.

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