Kids Share Their 2017 Lemonade Day Stories

As Lemonade Day Season 2017 continues to unfold, stories from many of the tens of thousands of children across North America continue to come in.  For us, this is the best part of Lemonade Day—hearing the amazing lessons that kids have learned and experiences they’ve had as they complete their lemonade day entrepreneurial journey.

Many of their stories involve aha moments about what it takes to make money in a business.  Other kids have discovered a new creative passion which is ignited when they dive into the marketing side of running a business.  And for others, it’s the challenge of coming up with a product that unique and appealing to customers. 

With all these great outcomes we’d like to share with you some more Lemonade Day stories, hot off the press from this season.


A focus on customer service

Squeez the Day

“My parents helped me open my lemonade stand in the summer of 2014 and only after we opened it did we learn about National Lemonade Day. This year we finally got to be a part of Louisiana Lemonade Day and we're so happy to find all the great lessons and learn the things we heard about on their website. As a family we just think the whole idea of running a business, setting goals and strategy for improving sales - and enjoying the profits - is big fun and a great life lesson.

We’ve spent quite a bit of time trying out all sorts of recipes. We did everything from trying each and every available lemonade mix with our own additions, to using lemon juice concentrate, to squeezing our own lemons without mixes at all.  Our friends and family taste tested them all and we've come up with what we believe really is the right amount of sweet, tart, lemon and pulp to make a perfect glass of lemonade. 

Our biggest concern has been the prospect of bringing the customers back so we go out of our way to make the lemonade fresh, cold and sanitary. We built a beautiful stand with festoons, fans and umbrellas to let our customers know we mean business. We treat everyone with respect and courtesy and we invite them to come back and tell their friends - and we have a Facebook business page to aid that effort.

Plus we offer treats from mom's kitchen. Usually we have tollhouse cookies but sometimes lemon cake or lemon and raspberry tarts or other things to always have something delicious for people to enjoy with their drinks.

It means a lot to us to do this and we've really enjoyed being part of Lemonade Day Louisiana this year. Thank you for putting this on and encouraging us to get started early with all your advertising and all the people you sent to us!

Our next step is to take our stand to a sidewalk sale alongside an antique shop where the owner has invited us to set up. After that maybe the farmer's market downtown - who knows!”


The Science of Branding

Dr. Megan's Mad Mango Lemonade

Hello, my name is Megan with Dr. Megan's Mad Mango Lemonade stand! This is my second year participating in Lemonade Day Louisiana. I chose to participate this year because I had so much fun participating last year! I enjoy the entire experience of preparing for Lemonade Day and the day itself! This year, I was located at the Louisiana Boardwalk from 11am to 3pm. I was also at 2nd & Charles on Airline Drive from 6pm to 8pm. I made delicious Mango Lemonade! I also sold Doritos. They are wheat-based chips. I made garlic salt, spicy, and cinnamon sugar flavored Doritos to sell. Customers really liked them!

I added food coloring my lemonade and had dry ice in the cooler.  The dry ice created a fog that made my lemonade look like a potion in my Mad science laboratory. An added perk, the dry ice carbonated my Lemonade to make it taste similar to a soda!

My theme was Dr. Megan the mad scientist and my laboratory. My slogan was "You'd be MAD not to try it!" One thing that makes my stand different from others is that I can accept cash, debit, and credit as payment! I have a square reader so that I can accept cards as well. This has helped me to sell to people who do not carry cash on them. I advertised through Facebook and word of mouth. I created my own business page. I shared it with friends, family, and the community. ArkLaTex Horse Rescue advertised my stand and I posted advertisements to many local Facebook groups as well. My recipe was a hit and so was my stand theme. Many people were so interested in the science theme of my Lemonade stand. A teacher even asked to take a picture with me to show her students at school!”


How it feels to be a grown up

Fun Squad

“I thought it would be cool to see how it fills to work like adults do. I know my family works hard each day to make sure we not only have enough but more than we need. My grandpa is old but still wakes early.  By the time I’m up at 6:00 am for school he's gone. My mother was a teen mom but she still graduated and attends college. She's taken a semester off to focus on taking care of my little brother and me.

Picking the location was easy.  When I'm at my aunt's house I see lots of cars passing by so that’s where we set up.  Our recipe was simple:  sugar, a few lemons and stir in love.   It's out family go to for summer.  That's why we knew out slogan would be The Best Strawberry Lemonade in town.

We had lots of family come by and my mom used Facebook and Instagram to advertise our stand.  My aunt also told her friends and neighbors. Next year we will have more bags of ice and also prepare for bugs. 

My little cousin and I are business partners, and we can run our own business when we grow up.”


Do you want to participate in next year’s Lemonade Day? Contact your local city to find out how your child can learn to be an entrepreneur, or learn how you can volunteer in your community.


About Lemonade Day

Lemonade Day is a non-profit dedicated to teaching every child across North America the business and financial skills that are the key ingredients of entrepreneurship. By learning these skills early in life, children will be better prepared to be successful, financially healthy adults. Through our fun, hands-on program Kids K-5 are empowered to start their very own business—a lemonade stand—and experience the feeling of earning real money, using 100% of their profit to spend, save and share based on their own goals.

Lemonade Day is in 62 cities throughout the United States. Over the past 10 years, we have served more than 1 million kids in our kid entrepreneur programs and in 2016 alone, 101,000 kids participated in Lemonade Day.

Visit to learn how to participate in Lemonade Day in your city.

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