What's Next? How About a Cookie Empire?

Your child has completed Lemonade Day along with the curriculum that lead up to it. Congratulations!  You may now be wondering what’s next? Is it just over until next year?  It doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to continue to build up the experience your child has had so they don’t lose momentum. Think of lemonade Day as the start of something—a door to learning about business and a new way of thinking. It doesn’t just end: it’s only just beginning.

The business principles learned through Lemonade Day can be applied to starting any business.  If your child has another business idea, they now how the framework and knowledge base to put it to work. 


Kait’s cookie empire

Kaitlyn participated in Lemonade Day 2015.  Her goal was to raise money to start her very own bakery. While earning money through the Lemonade Day program, Kaitlyn was also introduced to the fundamentals of starting and running her own business, from creating a business plan, budget and marketing plan, to developing a great product and selling her creations with great customer service. 

About a year ago, Kaitlyn began selling her baked goods to friends and family.  And she’s created quite a name for herself.

Her school even created this video all about her enterprise:



Giving back

Part of Lemonade Day is learning to save some, spend some and share some.

Kate has embraced these values 10-fold, as she loves to give back to the community.  This past Christmas she used 10% of her baking profits to provide Christmas dinner for those families at school who were in need.  When her friends and family heard what she was doing, they jumped in to help, and together they were able to provide food for 20 families!

A couple months ago, there was a woman in her community that was severely injured in an accident... Kaitlyn and her family didn’t know this woman, but heard about her on the news. Kaitlyn decided to sell cookies to raise money for her...she baked and sold over 30 dozen cookies, and donated all the money- $700!

Kait's Cookies

Fanning a passion

This girl LOVES to be in the kitchen! Kaitlyn spends every spare moment filling orders, or testing out new recipes, and she still dreams of owning a store-front bakery one day. Lemonade Day enabled her to begin to save to open that brick and mortar bakery, and gave her the entrepreneur roadmap to get there.

You can check out Kaitlyn’s Facebook Page (managed by her mom) where they share photos and videos of her spectacular creations.



Congratulations Kaitlyn!  We can’t wait to see what you do next.  You are one very inspiring young entrepreneur.


Do you want to participate in next year’s Lemonade Day? Contact your local city to find out how your child can learn to be an entrepreneur, or learn how you can volunteer in your community.


About Lemonade Day

Lemonade Day is a non-profit dedicated to teaching every child across North America the business and financial skills that are the key ingredients of entrepreneurship. By learning these skills early in life, children will be better prepared to be successful, financially healthy adults. Through our fun, hands-on program Kids K-5 are empowered to start their very own business—a lemonade stand—and experience the feeling of earning real money, using 100% of their profit to spend, save and share based on their own goals.


Lemonade Day is in 62 cities throughout the United States. Over the past 10 years, we have served more than 1 million kids in our kid entrepreneur programs and in 2016 alone, 101,000 kids participated in Lemonade Day.


Visit LemonadeDay.org to learn how to participate in Lemonade Day in your city.


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