A Sweet, Smart Match: National Sponsor, Raising Cane’s, Donates $75,000 for Lemonade Day National Program and Plans to Continue Partnership

By Steven Gordon, Lemonade Day National President

Raising Cane's Check Presentation


Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers truly deserves every bit of the sweet success that this rapidly-growing casual restaurant company is experiencing.  Words alone cannot adequately convey how appreciative I am of the amazing national partnership Lemonade Day and Raising Cane’s has developed, thanks in large part to Raising Cane’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer Todd Graves and his “Crew of Caniacs.” Clearly, Raising Cane’s and Lemonade Day are an excellent match in terms of our virtues, values, vision, mission and goals. Our organization and theirs are all about empowerment, strength of character, community, financial stability, social responsibility and smart growth.

Lemonade Day Cookies


Last week, I had the honor, pleasure and privilege of spending several memorable hours with the enthusiastic Raising Cane’s team at their impressive corporate facility in Plano, a northern suburb of Dallas. Approximately 200 Raising Cane’s team members gathered at a major event during which Todd and other Raising Cane’s brand ambassadors announced the company’s generous donation of $75,000 to us! Then and there, I fully absorbed the magnitude of “ONE LOVE” and who Raising Cane’s is and why this company is expanding so fast and so successfully. We are sincerely grateful for all that Todd and his team have done to support Lemonade Day, first in Louisiana and now throughout North America. Raising Cane’s is completely in step with who Lemonade Day is and why we matter.

Words are easy. Actions take more work. Together, Raising Cane’s and Lemonade Day are building an exciting future and stirring up sweet success: we are teaching kids today lessons that will equip them to become business owners of tomorrow.

Check out Todd's Instagram post! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl9RitVHQxz/?hl=en


Raising Cane's and Lemonade Day Staff

(L-R: Steven Gordon, Melissa Carter, Megan Hernandez, Jennifer Anderson, Todd Graves)

Here's some background information about Raising Cane's:

Todd Graves is especially passionate about Lemonade Day, Raising Cane’s and entrepreneurship. In fact, he hosted a lemonade stand in his hometown when he was a child. Todd was instrumental in bringing Lemonade Day to the state of Louisiana in 2011.   Since then, Raising Cane’s restaurant operators and crew members have been actively involved in supporting and promoting Lemonade Day, which has engaged nearly 100,000 in Louisiana as of this year.

With the active participation of Raising Cane’s crew members working in over 370 locations in 23 states, this restaurant chain and its patrons raised $75,000 for Lemonade Day. How did this happen? Raising Cane’s committed to contribute $1 from every unit of lemonade that Raising Cane’s sold on April 10. The company heavily promoted this fundraiser online and at all its locations and Raising Cane’s customers bought lemonade for our cause.

I encourage you to read and share our news release that explains more about Lemonade Day’s collaboration with Raising Cane’s. I also encourage you to continue to support Lemonade Day in any and every way you can, to get to know Raising Cane’s and support their efforts to further youth education in local communities they serve.


About Lemonade Day

Founded in Houston in 2007 by Michael and Lisa Holthouse, Lemonade Day is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching every child across North America the business and financial skills that are the key ingredients of entrepreneurship. By learning these skills early in life, children will be better prepared to be successful, financially healthy adults. Through our fun, hands-on program, kids K-5 are empowered to start their very own business—a lemonade stand—and experience the feeling of earning real money, using 100% of their profit to spend, save and share based on their own goals.

Lemonade Day is hosted in 72 territories in North America and is growing. Over the past 11 years, we have served more than 1 million kids in our youth entrepreneur programs. Within the next five years, Lemonade Day leaders estimate that 250,000 mentors and millions more kids will be hosting lemonade stands in North America and on other continents throughout the world. Please visit www.lemonadeday.org to learn more.

I always welcome your comments, questions and ideas. Please email me any time at steven@lemonadeday.org.


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