“Always Take the Risk” Counsels Entrepreneur Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jason Feifer to Lemonade Day Business Owners

By Steven Gordon, Lemonade Day National President

Alina Morse

Alina Morse, 13, Founder of Zollipops

Cover Photo: David Yellen

Follow this link to the Septembers 2018 issue of Entrepreneur magazine: 



Hats off to Entrepreneur magazine for committing the cover, and most of its September 2018 issue, to the important topic of youth entrepeneurship. Alina Morse, who is the founder of the multi-million dollar candy company, Zollipops, is featured on the cover. Alina is 13 years old! Within the article about Alina, there is a featured link to other young entrepreneurs which includes 13 year old, Mikaila Ulmer. Mikaila, who participated in Lemonade Day in Austin when she was 4, is the founder of Me & the Bees Lemonade. I am extremely proud of Alina, whom I don’t  know personally, as well as Mikaila and all of the young risk-takers who have garnered the attention they deserve in this pretigious publication.

I am thrilled to be in the position of sharing a personal letter and video message from Jason Feifer, editor of Entrepreneur magazine, who counsels all of our Lemonade Day business owners to “always take the risk” and dive into entrepreneurship wholeheartedly. But Jason doesn’t stop there; he urges kids to carry this fearless, “nothing to lose” spirit of adventure with them throughout their entire life and through their career pursuits.

I am sure you will enjoy Jason’s letter and video messages as much as I do. Thank you for all of your support past, present and future. Lemonade Day is growing. We have a huge goal of engaging 250,000 mentors by 2023. We need enthusiastic mentors, sponsors, and volunteers to  guide millions of young Lemonade Day business owners through valuable lessons that will serve them through life.


Entrepreneur magazine logo




Hello, wonderful young entrepreneurs of Lemonade Day!

My name is Jason Feifer, and I’m the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine. (That means, among other things, I’m the guy who chooses what goes in every issue.) Usually we put big, famous people on the cover—folks like comedian Kevin Hart, race car driver Danica Patrick, and Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos. But this month, we did something different. I hope you’ll be inspired by it.

We put a 13-year-old girl named Alina Morse on the cover. She built a multi-million-dollar candy company called Zollipops.

Why did we do it? Honestly, it was to inspire people like you. I see the amazing work you’re doing—on your own, and with Lemonade Day. I know you’re hard-working and ambitious. I know you have big dreams and big plans. And I think that’s amazing. You are the next generation of entrepreneurs, and the things you build will make our world better, smarter, faster, and fairer. The most exciting part is: You’re already starting to build them. That deserves its place on our cover.

I hope that when you see someone around your age on our cover, you appreciate just how high you can reach. Anything is achievable, if you put the right work into it. This is the power of entrepreneurship: You’re going to build your own way to the top.

I’m excited to see what you do next.


Jason Feifer




Jason Feifer

Editor in Chief


P.S. In the attached video, I want to show you something about Alina’s story that you should carry with you your whole career. Please watch!



About Lemonade Day

Founded in Houston in 2007 by Michael and Lisa Holthouse, Lemonade Day is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching every child across North America the business and financial skills that are the key ingredients of entrepreneurship. By learning these skills early in life, children will be better prepared to be successful, financially healthy adults. Through our fun, hands-on program, kids K-5 are empowered to start their very own business—a lemonade stand—and experience the feeling of earning real money, using 100% of their profit to spend, save and share based on their own goals.

Lemonade Day is hosted in 72 territories in North America and is growing. Over the past 11 years, we have served more than 1 million kids in our youth entrepreneur programs. Within the next five years, Lemonade Day leaders estimate that 250,000 mentors and millions more kids will be hosting lemonade stands in North America and on other continents throughout the world. Please visit www.lemonadeday.org to learn more.

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