Lemonade Day Conference Storybook 2015


In preparation for Lemonade Day’s Annual National Conference in Houston, we decided to release a few select entries from this year’s storybook. As always, attendees to the conference will get a complete copy but we wanted to highlight publicly some of the amazing stories coming out of Lemonade Day 2015.

Amazing Stories from Lemonade Day 2015

For our first edition of this year’s storybook highlight, we decided to focus on our neighbors to the north. Lemonade Day Saskatchewan 2015 was a rousing success but the winner of the local Best Stand Contest

Lily-Ann, Winner Best Stand Contest Saskatchewan 2015

Lily-Ann from Saskatchewan has been participating in Lemonade Day for the last three years. In her first years, she had the support of “angel investors” that provided the initial financing for her stands. Now, Lily-Ann is completely independent, having reinvested past earnings in herself. At her first stand, she offered classic lemonade but then expanded to a sparkling lemonade. She now offers a full range of sparkling (non-alcoholic) lemonades including peach, berry, and classic lemon flavors.

Lemonade Day Ambassador 2015

Due to her commitment to Lemonade Day and its principles, Lily-Ann was named an ambassador for the organization in 2015. As a result of this exposure, Lily-Ann had a crackerjack Lemonade Day in 2015. Highlights include selling lemonade to the mayor of her town, being interviewed on television and radio, and, of course, winning the Best Stand Contest.

Saskatchewan 2015 Sponsors

The high level of exposure for Lily-Ann’s stand (and her dedication to sparkling versions of lemonade) lead to a partial sponsorship from Soda Stream. As a result of her Best Stand Contest win, she was also awarded a giant check from Affinity Credit Union.

Already a social media expert, Lily-Ann plans to use her winnings to create a line of “artisan nail polishes” that she plans to promote via her own YouTube channel. With the knowledge she’s gained from participating in Lemonade Day, we have no doubt her next endeavour will be a smashing success.

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